Flu Shot Clinics

Flu sea­son is from Sep­tem­ber through March, and we encour­age every­one in your fam­i­ly, aged 6 months and old­er — includ­ing preg­nant women — to receive the flu vac­cine dur­ing this time.

Who Should Get a Flu Shot?

The flu vac­cine is rec­om­mend­ed for every­one aged 6 months and old­er. Preg­nant women should also receive the vac­cine. For those aged 65 or old­er, we sug­gest opt­ing for the high-dose flu vac­cine for extra protection.

Flu Shots at SBC Pri­ma­ry Care Clinics

Flu shots are avail­able by appoint­ment at mul­ti­ple loca­tions through­out Michi­ana. If you have an upcom­ing well­ness or pri­ma­ry care appoint­ment, your provider will offer you the flu shot dur­ing your visit. 

If you don’t have an appoint­ment, you can still sched­ule a flu shot at our pri­ma­ry care clin­ics or walk-in aller­gy clinic.

Week­end Flu Shot Clin­ic at SBC

Our Sat­ur­day Flu Shot Clin­ics will run from Sep­tem­ber 28 through Octo­ber 26. Walk-ins are wel­come, or you can sched­ule an appoint­ment for your entire fam­i­ly today!

211 North Eddy Street
South Bend, IN 46617
Sat­ur­days, 8 AM — 12 PM

Call (574) 234‑8161 to schedule.

Sched­ule with your pri­ma­ry care provider at any of the fol­low­ing locations:

211 North Eddy Street
South Bend, IN 46617
(574) 234‑8161

52500 North Fir Road
Granger, IN 46530
(574) 271‑0700

8984 U.S. 20
New Carlisle, IN 46552
(574) 654‑8490

2102 Inwood Road
South Bend, IN 46614
(574) 299‑2400

4440 Portage Road
South Bend, IN 46628
(574) 204‑6200

Walk-In Aller­gy Clinic

Our Walk-In Aller­gy Clin­ic offers flex­i­ble, no-appoint­ment-need­ed care:

211 North Eddy Street
Mon­day-Thurs­day: 8 AM — 5 PM
Fri­day: 8 AM — 3 PM

    Stay pro­tect­ed this flu sea­son with one of these con­ve­nient options!

    Find a Flu Shot Clin­ic Near You >

    *If you have received your flu vac­cine at your work­place or from anoth­er provider, please send a MyChart mes­sage to your pri­ma­ry care provider with the date and loca­tion of your vac­cine. Or, call your physi­cian’s office with this infor­ma­tion if you’re not a MyChart user so it can be added to your elec­tron­ic med­ical record. It is impor­tant that your physi­cian has this infor­ma­tion on file.


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    52500 North Fir Road

    Granger, Indiana 46530

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    1:07 AM - 1:07 AM
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    New Carlisle

    8984 U.S. 20

    New Carlisle, Indiana 46552

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    1:07 AM - 1:07 AM
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    South Bend

    4440 Portage Road

    South Bend, Indiana 46628

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    1:07 AM - 1:07 AM
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    South Bend

    2102 Inwood Road

    South Bend, Indiana 46614

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    1:07 AM - 1:07 AM
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